Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Forgive but Not Forgotten

02022013. Forgiva as a moslem but not forgotten for a whole in my life time. Unfortunatelly I have a small size memory capacity to load and memorize all bad things and bad habits for people surround me and I have a big memory capacity to record a good things and good habbits ones. I said alhamdulillah...... I still di not understand why it can be happened. Seems that you are not the real you. I believe Allah SWT love my parents well so Allah SWT show them when they are still alive. Alhamdulillah they can be a patient ones, facing it wise and calm. Listening it and try to understand. This is a big experiences for me, for my kids that THIS IS NOT ALLOWED. You have to treat your parents well, cause we ARE MOSLEMS. Remember what Rasulallah SAW answer when somebody asked him, who we have to respect: "your mother". "Who else ya Rasulallah SAW?" Your mother". "Who else ya Rasulallah SAW?". And he reply him again untill 3 times "Your mother". After thet rasul reply "your father".

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